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HourGlass Logo
Friendly Financing
Convertible Notes
made for DeFi
Customizable Default Penalty, Guaranteed Prepayment Option & Zero Sudden Liquidations
HG Illustration
Launch Partner
ShapeShift Bonds
Since 2014, ShapeShift has been pioneering self-custody for digital asset trading. Today’s ShapeShift DAO is an engaged community of builders working to advance the state of crypto trading, investing, and access to open, decentralized financial systems. Their web and mobile platforms empower users to safely buy, hold, trade, invest, and interact with digital assets such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Cosmos.
ShapeShift has long been a pioneer in the crypto space: the organization was the first major platform to offer cross-blockchain trades (via integration with THORChain), the first company to fully decentralize all corporate operations, and issued the largest airdrop to date when it became a DAO.
About HourGlass
DeFi's Friendliest Financing
Convertible Notes
made for DeFi
HG Illustration
Customizable Default Penalty, Guaranteed Prepayment Option & Zero Sudden Liquidations
About HourGlass
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